Coronavirus Update (COVID-19)

Hello all,
“Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives” is the message we are all being told at the moment. That message isn’t lost on the Accessible News team and I! We’ve postponed our Empower Surgeries until further notice and suspended our Considerate Parking Campaign activity.
Staying home is vitally important, I understand that people may want to venture out doors because the weather is nice but you cannot! I really do urge everyone to remain home and be sensible, only going out for absolute necessities, this is the only way we can help stop the spread of this pandemic.
Going out and breaking the lockdown will delay the flattening of the curve and postpone the eventual end to this nightmare. I fully understand that the lockdown is difficult for people and can have a terrible affect on our mental health, for adults as well as children. Turning our routines inside out and knocking our worlds out of kilter is horrendous. With that in mind I ask everyone to think of someone else, get in touch via social media, a phone call or a letter. I’ve started video calling my friends and family to stay in touch, this has allowed me to be with the people I care about, together, we can get through this.
One of our volunteers Lindsey has compiled a detailed list of websites offering Coronavirus (COVID-19) information. You can find this here
If you have vulnerable family members please ensure they are getting the help they need, check our website or the website of your local authority for more information.

We should all take a minute to reflect on those who have lost their lives to this disastrous disease, at the time of writing this blog post the total was in excess of 16,000 Life will never be the same again.
I want to thank all our wonderful front line workers, the emergency service staff, council staff, care workers and of course all those who work tirelessly for the NHS. Having been helped in different ways by all these hard working people there are no words to explain my gratitude to them, and the gratitude of the Accessible News team.
Lastly a special mention to Captain Tom Moore, a man who has singlehandedly raised over £27million for NHS charities. A true legend! We’ve donated to his just giving page, if you would like to do so you can click the link here.
Thank you for your time and for staying home, protecting our NHS because it will save lives.
Richard Jones
Stay Home | Protect The NHS | Save Lives
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